Park Hill School District to debut new Nevco Video Scoring Solutions this fall
Upgrades at Park Hill and Park Hill South’s gymnasiums to debut when school starts
EDWARDSVILLE, IL, June 22, 2022 – The Park Hill School District in Kansas City, MO is set to bring fans an exciting new game-day experience when school returns in the fall.
The district selected Nevco Sports, LLC for a host of eye-catching upgrades to the gymnasiums at Park Hill and Park Hill South High School, including a set of new full-color 6mm LED Video Displays measuring nearly 7’H and 12’W at each school that will delight Trojan and Panther fans for years to come.
“Nevco has been partnering with the Park Hill School District for over 30 years and I have had the pleasure of continuing that partnership since 2019,” said Josh Robbers, Regional Video Display Consultant for Nevco. “When the time came to discuss indoor upgrades, I was able to sit down with members of the district to design an application that is both a huge step up aesthetically, but an even bigger step up in functionality.”
Both high schools added to their game-day experiences with 12’W by 2’H custom strip scoreboards underneath each video display, featuring standout white LED digits and electronic team names to allow for multisport use. Topping off the video displays are custom imprinted signs displaying “Trojans” and “Park Hill South” with each school’s logos flanking both sides. Finishing out the upgrades are End of Period Lights, SSC-7 Shot Clocks and a set of 8’ full-color 6mm LED Bleacher-Mounted Tables to create a fully immersive experience for each school.
The new displays will highlight in-game action and feature virtual scoring, engaging graphics and prompts for fans, and sponsorships to generate endless revenue opportunities for the district. The displays will be in action for the 2022-2023 school year and invigorate the pride of Park Hill and Park Hill South’s basketball, volleyball and wrestling teams.
“Park Hill and Park Hill South now have the ability to easily run time and score for practice with custom scoreboards or put on a full production with LED video on both ends of the gym,” noted Robbers. “Attending the software training shortly after installation was completed, I heard the buzz of the coaches and district members. All the ideas and plans they have for these displays is what makes projects like these so successful.”
Check out the installation photos of both winning scoring solutions and stay tuned for updates through Nevco social media channels, including the new displays in action this upcoming school year.
About Nevco Sports, LLC: Nevco is the largest private manufacturer and provider of display, scoring and audio solutions. For over 85 years, Nevco has provided athletic and recreational facilities of all sizes with the most innovative scoring and LED video display products in the industry. Nevco is known for its specialty in designing custom facility solutions, quality of products, and superior long term financial value. Today, Nevco scoring solutions are used to enhance the fan experience at events in more than 100,000 locations around the world.