Arkansas High School Scores New Video Display and Scoring Solution
GREENVILLE, IL, May 20, 2015– Football games at Arkansas High School in Texarkana, AR will shine a little brighter this season thanks their new video display and scoring equipment from Nevco.
The custom video display, with over 82,000 pixels, fires up fans with vibrant live game action, instant replays and energizing animated graphics. It also adds endless opportunities for messages from sponsors and advertising spots.
Arkansas High’s video display is also equipped with Nevco’s proprietary Display Director Software that utilizes a single, universal touchscreen computer and interfaces with Nevco scoreboards to obtain real time scoring and game-time data and uses this information to populate virtual scoring and graphics on the screen for player headshots, halftime stats, and more.
“We are very excited about the upgrade to enhance our game day experience for Razorback fans and the entire community. Our games, half-time band productions, and performances will never be the same thanks to the new Nevco equipment. Even more students will have their chance to shine on the big screen with parents, fans, and friends in the stands watching” said Business Manager, Andrew Hill.
The video display is accompanied by an upgraded custom Nevco scoreboard that stretches over 40’ wide and includes massive 20” electronic team names to ensure fans keep up with their team’s score from any seat in the stadium.
The Razorbacks continued to maximize their impact with Nevco equipment by adding decorative accents including an arch truss with “Arkansas High School” and the school’s mascot logo rear lit to shine under the gridiron lights.
The new custom Nevco solution, pictured below, was installed in May 2015 and was fired up right in time for the high school graduation ceremony.
Check out the new display below and be sure to check out to plan your next scoring solution upgrade!