Beijing School Purchases Nevco Video Scoring Solution

The Western Academy of Beijing (WAB) has installed a hybrid scoreboard from Nevco to compliment their newly renovated facility. The scoreboard includes an 11-ft x 16-ft full-color, 20mm LED video display and a separate LED matrix message center for enhanced scoring capabilities, fan communication and sponsorship opportunities. The new scoreboard is designed for multi-sport use and initially will be used for rugby and soccer games, with the option to include other sports at a later date. The WAB scoreboard also includes Nevco’s Electronic Team Names (ETN) feature, which allows WAB to customize the home and guest team names quickly and easily from one game to the next. The custom video and scoring solution is ideal for this field, which is China’s first and largest multi-sport surface.
The hybrid scoreboard, a product exclusively offered by Nevco, provides the full features of a static scoreboard with the flexibility of a full-matrix, LED virtual scoreboard all with the appearance of a one-piece installation. Like a traditional scoreboard, the hybrid solution includes a timer and digits for keeping track of home and guest score. These components are common to all games.
The large video display adds a “jumbotron” look to WAB’s scoreboard and facility, similar to many of today’s leading professional sporting venues. The full-color video matrix adds the capability of streaming live video or even instant replay. The display also offers many other features, such as in-game animations, player profiles, sports stats, and sponsorship ads, and can show them in a much larger format.
The LED message center part of the hybrid scoreboard gives WAB additional functionality not normally available in a traditional scoreboard. The LED matrix changes to show different sport-specific data using pre-loaded sports templates through Nevco Sports Composer software and data from the Nevco MPC controller. For example, the matrix can display shots on goal corner kicks, penalty kicks or player in/out for soccer; tries, penalties, field goals and conversions for rugby; shots, and penalties for lacrosse; balls, strikes and outs for baseball; or ball on, yards to go, down and quarter for football. Similar to the main video display, the LED message center can also communicate important events, excite fans, highlight players, display statistics and promote sponsors.
About The Western Academy of Beijing (WAB)
WAB is an International Baccalaureate World School that teaches children from early childhood all the way to 12th grade. ')}